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Gas Plant


Since 2021, we’ve been working hard in order to become the best Natural Gas Supplier in the country. Throughout the years, EREST has scored several recognitions from other producers, suppliers, vendors, and regulators in the industry. Take a look at the collection of certifications we’ve received for our exceptional products and work.


Ensuring our clients receive the best services and products available is no easy task. Everyone who’s had the experience of working with EREST will tell you that our team of professionals truly deserved being recognized by the 1 Year Warranty certification. Take a look at more of the certificates and accolades we’ve won throughout the years.

Engineer Inspecting Gas Line
Gas Plant


Receiving 30 Day Guarantee was an incredible honor and inspired us to expand our product offerings and delivery options. The EREST team works around the clock to provide timely delivery, exceptional customer service, and top quality products at competitive rates. Although we’ve come a long way, there’s always room for improvement. If you think there’s something we could be doing better, don’t hesitate to tell us.


Accepting the Accurate and Honest certification was a very proud moment, and the culmination of our hard work and the special relationships we’ve formed with clients since our founding in 2021. Receiving this certification was important to the EREST team and we’ll work hard to make sure we snag it again next year.

Workers at Gas Plant
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